Fishing in Rivers

Fishing in Rivers

  • Do not enter the water if you are at all unsure. If in doubt, stay out! When wading rivers, take precautions and plan for the worst.
  • Wear a wading belt and a personal flotation device. Use caution when wading into deep water at river mouths, or making river or stream crossings.
  • Losing your footing when wading can be potentially hazardous and anglers can get into situations where injury or even death is a very real outcome.
  • All anglers should have a healthy respect for water and before heading out should tell someone where they intend to fish and how long they intend to be.
  • It is not always necessary to wade in order to fish successfully. If you are unsure about your wading ability, and you lack confidence in the water, don't wade!
  • Look for suitable pools to fish that can be reached from the riverbank or by using thigh waders to go into the water to knee-depth.
  • Linking arms with a fellow angler to cross a river will give you added stability, but you should proceed with caution.

For more on river fishing safety go to