Jumping in Rivers

Jumping in Rivers


Jumping and diving in a river can be fun but can also bed angerous. The river changes every day. You need to check outy our jump or dive spot EVERY DAY before you start having fun.

You need to check:

• Depth of the water
• What is underneath the water
• There is no strong current or risk of being swept into the fast-flowing part of the river
• There is a safe way to get to the jumping or diving spot
• Any objects like a rope or branch that are used for jumping or diving are safe.

The water could be shallower than you think. Obstacles like a log or tree branch may have washed down the river and got trapped in the swimming hole. People may have thrown rubbish like shopping trolleys, bikes or bags of heavy rubbish into the swimming hole. If you are climbing up to a jump or dive spot, make sure the track is safe and you won’t accidently fall into the river and have an unsafe landing. If you are swinging over the river on a rope, check that it is notworn and likely to give way.